Monday, May 11, 2020

Annotated Bibliography Of Paulo Freire And Icts - 1214 Words

Interpretive Summary of â€Å"Paulo Freire and ICTs: Liberatory Education Theory in a Digital Age.† â€Å"Paulo Freire and ICTs† examines the effect ICTs (information and communication technologies) have upon the educational experience in the classroom, â€Å"drawing on principles from Paulo Freire’s classic work, Pedagogy of the Oppressed†. The authors of this paper illustrate how ICTs support Freire’s â€Å"‘banking system’ of education†. Accordingly, this essay aims to increase understanding and awareness of the danger of untamed ICT use in classrooms for the sake of being perceived as an innovative educator. Some elements of ICTs give the image of conforming to Freirian education, so teachers perceive these products to better the teaching process, when†¦show more content†¦Freire is whole-heartedly against education being defined merely as a transmission of information, but rather â€Å"consists of acts of cognition†. He sees critical thinking and Socratic dialogue as crucial to the ideal classroom, working to sti mulate â€Å"reflection† and so â€Å"‘create history’†. Freire’s complete idea of liberatory education is not apparent in the presented ICTs, which will be shown to reinforce the traditional model of banking education. PowerPoint’s ease of communication and efficiency make it attractive in a classroom, but centralizes control with teacher and promotes passivity among students by objectifying knowledge. Its simple structure and visual â€Å"arousal† work to capture and easily transmit the material to the audience. Generally, a presentation is done by one or several individuals to a group of students, whom sit back, scrolling through Facebook, superficially receiving the content without truly digesting it. Essentially, a PowerPoint presentation centralizes control of the class in the hands of the presenter (often the teacher) â€Å"to passive receivers (the students)†. Teaching pre-packaged information without allowing for critical thinking is merely undermining and objectifying the knowledge. Teachers are so enthralled by this new technology they miss how their educational system remains stagnant, continuing as the banking model. Clickers work to rip

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